Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. It brings nuances that add complexity to each and every dish, enhancing the flavours. But this is not its only benefit – EVOO also has many characteristics that make it beneficial for our health, and below we shall outline a few.
It helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases
EVOO helps to improve blood circulation and blood pressure, due to its high content of oleic acid, which reduces ‘bad’ cholesterol levels while increasing ‘good’ cholesterol levels at the same time.
It is effective in preventing certain types of cancer
EVOO prevents cancer, especially breast, endometrial, ovarian and colon cancer. It is not yet clear whether this effect is due to its monounsaturated fatty acids, or its antioxidant properties. But the truth is that this has been proven in various scientific studies.
It helps to reduce glucose levels in the body
The high content of monosaturated fats present in EVOOs helps to reduce blood sugar levels, as the body is able to use glucose more efficiently. This positive effect has been proven even in people who already have diabetes, reducing their levels by up to 12% after incorporating olive oil into their diet.
It has positive effects on our bones
Extra virgin olive oil helps in the formation and mineralisation of the bones since it contains vitamin D. It facilitates the absorption of calcium in the body, resulting in the strengthening of the bones and helping to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.
It considerably slows down the effects of ageing
The human body is in a constant oxidative process, which is regulated by the action of antioxidants. EVOO contains large amounts of phenolic components and mono-saturated fatty acids. These provide very effective antioxidant qualities that help the body fight the effects of oxidation.
It keeps your brain in optimal condition
EVOO reduces the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. This results in the prevention of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and also the reduction of memory loss.
It your skin’s best friend
High levels of vitamin E help delay the skin’s ageing process while improving its elasticity. It also acts as a moisturiser and provides UV protection.
Incorporating EVOO into our diet is a decision that only brings benefits, and the QvExtra! association is responsible for ensuring that the oils you use at home have only the best properties, both in terms of health and flavour.